I do not exclusively use one approach with every
client. The methods used are matched uniquely to the needs and interests of
each client, drawing from approaches such as these:
- Eclectic (blending several approaches)
- Cognitive-behavioral
- Brief solution-focused
- Assisted 12-step
- Coaching with self-help resources, especially online resources
- Evidence based practices specific to certain diagnoses
- Collaboration team work with Primary Care and other Medical Professionals
- Mindfulness
- Insight oriented
- Acceptance training
- Emotional Education
- Systems theory
- Visualization
- Hakomi (Body-Centered Psychotherapy)*
* I know this sounds a bit woo-woo, but is very gentle and powerful for getting past the "busyness" of our everyday mind chatter. You mindfully utilize your body's resources as a healing system. Hakomi therapy is done within the principles of Mindfulness, Non-violence, Mind-Body integration, Unity, and Organicity. For more information go to the Hakomi Institute, with whom I completed a two-year professional training for this method. One the Institute's favorite image is of a heron, standing in the water. Often, when I explain the method, I call it "going fishing" inside of yourself.